(photo credit: WilleeCole Photography / shutterstock.com)We love ‘em to bits but our best buddies can be prone to various funky smells that come from both ends and all that furry space in between. From stinky ears, to bad breath and of course, those gassy intestinal issues. Yes, a wealth of different odours depending on the circumstance.But for pet parents living with brachycephalic dogs – or any dog with heavy folds and wrinkles – there is a whole new layer of smells that come from improperly cleaned crevices. It’s called pyoderma and it’s nasty.You see, the folds capture and retain moisture that, if left untreated, becomes a haven for bacteria. Over time, the skin ruptures because of the ongoing exposure to moisture and this can lead to painful, putrid-smelling infections and hefty vet bills.The Three-Step Solution?Take a targeted preventative approach to your pet’s hygiene. This not only eliminates potential infections but helps ensure your pet is more comfortable and is no longer persona non grata due to that funky odour.And it’s down to practicing these three simple steps on a regular basis:Wipe out all wrinkles, folds, and tail pockets with a warm, damp washcloth or one of the commercial wipes designed for cleaning wrinkly dogs.Once cleaned, use a cotton ball or soft dry towel to ensure each crevice is thoroughly dry.Dust inside each fold with a thin layer of unscented baby powder or grooming powder to help keep moisture out.What Leads to Pyoderma?It could be because your dog was bathed/swam/caught in the rain and never properly dried out. Perhaps his wet food found its way into his facial folds or it may be the build-up of smelly bacteria from a natural accumulation of skin oils. The bottom line is that if not cleaned and fully dried on a regular basis – two to three times a week - it languishes. And that’s when it starts to smell and cause your pet distress.So, prevention is key and there are a number of products that ensure it’s easy, inexpensive, and effective.Where to Start?One of the more basic solutions is to start with a simple wipe-down using scent-free baby wipes to clean between the individual folds. When done, be sure to thoroughly dry.